Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Its a four letter word now,, and take my word for it,, especially if you are any day over 25. Is it just me or every one my age feels like that. I used to be a big fan of 'Thirty some thing' (the CBS tv series) back in my teens in the 90's. One of the reasons for this was because the whole story line seemed to be another world... some thing I could only fantisize about and perhaps muse. People in control of their lives and making all these darastic changes and risks and being adults, masters of their own destiny.

Now, for the love of God its all happening to me. Thirty some thing is none other than yours truly !!

Life just takes a turn and like one e card I got aptly put it as:
'Lost a little hair, belly is in the way, cholestrol's is ok......' there is a whole list to it. (For the record I am not all those things..well may be the cholestrol..)

Ofcourse you have more sexy things to think about like getting that mortgage, buying the BMW (so the TT is like just too small for the wife and family) and hey that cruise trip might just happen and going around the world.. perhaps in another five years..

Talking about birthdays, it was so easy back in the old days,, I mean any one wishing you for the day would send you a card (through snail mail... remember that !) or call you (on the phone .. the fixed line) and in person. This year around.. I had it in all these ways and much more... so much so that it got a little too yucky.... (no offence to all my well wishers ...friends and commercial enterprises alike) here is the list if you still care to read:
1) email (work, personal and all)
2) SMS
3) Phone calls (Mobile and telephone)
4) Forum posts
5) ORKUT posts
6) Snail mail
7) and ofcourse in person.

I am not being un thank ful, infact would like to take this opportunity to thank all my well wishers but it just stuck me so odd... or is it the age,,. well it must be my age for sure,...

My Birthday is 22 September....


At 2:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm thirty some thing..cool nice to read abt ur b'day feelings ..

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age". Lucille Ball.

Ralph Waldo says"We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count"

so far u have many plans like buying a property,a car and going on a world tour ..so u r still under thirty..

At 9:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

typical virgo!!!!


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