Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another weekend

Another weekend, another working weekend, I should'nt be complaining it is after all January... trailing on the year end, the financial year end for most of our client January to March should be the busiest time of our professional lives,.. but lately its a pattern canvassing the rest of the year as well.

The other day, I was leaving office after having spent more than 14 hours in the office. The platform was deserted by London standards. Most of my fellow passangers were 'suits' workers in the city, bankers, IT guys and perhaps accountants/auditors. Professionals striving 12 plus hour days for a better, happy life style, perhaps. In the train on the commute back to my appartment, I felt like that 13 year old child holed up indoors in the exam week, looking outside from my bedroom window... the outdoors !!! When's the exam going to be over?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Yet another year

Yet another year, with all those new year resolutions already going stale. Well, there are no new resolutions its just another way of putting off important changes one wants to make, just another way of deferring it. Past the new year and we are ready to write it off !

I know its a bad attempt of stringing words into a sentence, but its January and lo and behold busy season for us auditors. One of my new resolutions is of course a change of career. Not just changing companies and stuff, but a real change ! not being an accountant or auditor or for that matter a finance professional. I am bored ... plain and simple. I want to do some thing exciting, like writing a book or being a full time Phd. student.

Yeah, easier said that done, have a mortgage to pay and then the credit cards etcetra. I know what I will do it, as soon as I win the lottery. (Now that's a plan)

P.S: next year's new year resolution start playing the lottery and change career.